mercoledì 27 aprile 2011

Creare XLS con più spreadsheet

*& Report ZRIC


include ole2incl.
data: application type ole2_object,
workbook type ole2_object,
sheet type ole2_object,
sheets type ole2_object,
cells type ole2_object.
constants: row_max type i value 256.
data index type i.

types: begin of t_data,
sheet_no type i,
col1(20) type c,
col2(20) type c,
end of t_data.
data: it_data type standard table of t_data,
wa_data type t_data.

data: g_sheet type i value 1,
g_row type i,
g_col type i.


perform populate_data.

create object application 'excel.application'.
set property of application 'visible' = 1.
call method of application 'Workbooks' = workbook.

call method of workbook 'Add' = workbook.
call method of workbook 'Sheets' = sheets.

loop at it_data into wa_data.

on change of wa_data-sheet_no.
if wa_data-sheet_no > 3.
call method of sheets 'Add' = sheet.
set property of sheets 'active' = 1.
set property of sheet 'Name' = wa_data-sheet_no.

call method of workbook 'worksheets' = sheet no flush
exporting #1 = g_sheet.
set property of sheet 'name' = wa_data-sheet_no.

g_sheet = g_sheet + 1.
g_row = 0.

g_row = g_row + 1. g_col = 1.
call method of sheet 'cells' = cells
exporting #1 = g_row
#2 = g_col.

set property of cells 'value' = wa_data-col1.
g_col = g_col + 1.

call method of sheet 'cells' = cells
exporting #1 = g_row
#2 = g_col.

set property of cells 'value' = wa_data-col2.

* Save excel speadsheet to particular filename
call method of sheet 'SaveAs'
exporting #1 = 'c:\exceldoc1.xls' "filename
#2 = 1.

call method of sheet 'Close'
exporting #1 = 'c:\exceldoc1.xls' "filename
#2 = 1.
if sy-subrc eq 0.

* Closes excel window, data is lost if not saved
set property of application 'visible' = 0.

*& Form populate_data
form populate_data .

data: l_sheet type n.

do 3 times.
l_sheet = l_sheet + 1.
move l_sheet to wa_data-sheet_no.

concatenate: l_sheet '-row1-col1' into wa_data-col1,
l_sheet '-row1-col2' into wa_data-col2.
append wa_data to it_data.

concatenate: l_sheet '-row2-col1' into wa_data-col1,
l_sheet '-row2-col2' into wa_data-col2.
append wa_data to it_data.

concatenate: l_sheet '-row3-col1' into wa_data-col1,
l_sheet '-row3-col2' into wa_data-col2.
append wa_data to it_data.

concatenate: l_sheet '-row4-col1' into wa_data-col1,
l_sheet '-row4-col2' into wa_data-col2.
append wa_data to it_data.


endform. " populate_data

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